Send pictures of yourself Maxinout or blackinout’ in my clothes and you’ll get featured on the this page!
Shout out to my boy Dave Glazer on Reppin’ for me! Met him on my 19th birthday.
Shout out to the homie Chris Byno for being my first ever t-shirt sale!
Shout out to my twin brother Jimmy and my day one homie Jake Ledet for supporting me and helping me with ideas!
Shout out to the homie Hunter Treibman on repping MONBO all the way up at Mizzou! *Maxin Out n Blackin Out hoodies are limited edition.
S/O to they Day one Dom Puntasecca for and supporting me.
S/O to the UT homies Olivia and Breann for repping the women’s tank tops!
Shout out to my family friend Jamaal James for supporting the cause!

Shout out to one of my best friends Colleen Burke Thanks for repping Col!

shoutout to Jake Scheblein for maxinout and blackinout w us since day one, Thanks for repping
Shoutout to my first friend ever, Stephan Herard, for repping MONBO.
Shoutout again to Ash for repping @maxinoutandblackinout
Shoutout to the homie Breann York for modeling for me in some MONBO gear. Much Love
Shoutout to my homie Francesca Hoffman on repping! Much Love

S/o to my boy Brandon Leibowitz on repping the #MONBO Maxinoutnblackinout Car Decal. Check out his band 1 Ounce Slug

S/O to my boy Brandon Leibowitz and his band One Ounce Slug.
The following are old pictures from my brother Jimmy and I’s first USAPL competition in way way back 2015. The comeback will be one day, but for now, we are enjoying the one of working out and focusing on school and other ventures such as new clothing designs and articles.

My Dad and I matching Shirts ! Check out his LLC Roel Resources! Love you Dad!

s/o the the homie Connor Sweeney for reppin’ the OG MONBO Decal sticker’d to his shirt, dope customization. Check his music out on Soundcloud ( High-C )

Check out my boys I have a Joint venture with and s/o to my very close friend Jad Stephanou from UTampa whom owns his own Italian Designer Brand from Florence, called ” J & R Artisan Designs.” It is available on wolfandbadger.com, their site thinkjr.shop, and soon on here!

J&R Artisan Designs x MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Shoe Collaboration; “The Club Firenze’s x MONBO Limited Edition / “
BUT their predominant site is

“Guns N’ Roses,” J&R Artisan Designs Shoes

The New “Arthur Fleck/ The Joker Shirts (I am going to begin producing, a few more versions) – first one is titled; “Arthur’s and Our Illness,”.

***My instagram for MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC is https://www.instagram.com/roel_powerlifting/ and my lifting account is @roel_powerlifting by the way, and I am available on Facebook; my page Is titled ” Maxin Out N Blackin Out ” ***

This was way back like 6 years ago, I had a membership at at Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym; I regularly saw people like Maxx Charles, an IFBB Pro, and I saw Bev Francis herself (best woman bodybuilder to live) alongside with her husband, The owner to the gym, but the most awesome of all; I met Kai Greene there. I also regularly saw Sadic Hadsovic, and randomly and hilariously enough this happened; I appeared in the background of one of his youtube videos. hahaha. Across the street is a Lifetime gym, where once time I also saw Tobias Harris, the basketball player (University of Tennessee, then the Milwaukee Bucks, Orlando Magic, Detroit Pistons, Los Angeles Clippers, and now the Philadelphia 76ers). I let him be though, and minded my own business.

Here are Some Pictures of Me posing for J&R Artisan Designs whom I have a slight joint venture with.

J&R Artisan Designs’, “The Rebel Crew” / The MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC MnB White Beanie

s/o to Brett Rotherbeg, my Utampa in PiKap/Garden City Homie

My Cousin Chris! Love you man!
*Fuck Cancer Shirts Coming Soon*

S/O to my Friend HannaH