Women’s Program for Getting Toned and Fit – Not ‘Jacked’
Women’s Program for Getting Toned and Fit – Not ‘Jacked’
Specified goals in this program:
Gluteus Maximus and Medius work, quadriceps, hamstrings, abdominal muscle (abs) growth, fat loss + toning up your arms, and what type of cardio to do.
Day one: Legs
Squats: 5 sets 5 reps@ a comfortable weight, RPE 5-7 (rate of perceived exertion) (gets your booty strong and developed)
Straight leg deadlifts 3 sets of ten
Hip thrusters: 3 sets of twenty (for hips booty, squeeze your ass at top of rep, pause and control the eccentric/ negative portion of movement
Leg extensions 3 sets fifteen reps’ light weight
Hamstring curls: 3 sets of ten reps
Day two: Arms
Shoulders: seated dumbbell press RPE6 5 sets ten
Bicep curls w dumbbells RPE 5 3 sets ten
Shoulder sider laterals light weight 3 sets of ten
Tricep rope cable pushdowns 3 sets 10 RPE 7 lightweight
Bicep hammer curls 3×10
Day 3: Cardio
Walk on an incline treadmill on an incline of 5-10 with lower mph for 10-20 mins (slow time pace if needed)
Then jogging on the treadmill for 20 minutes or the Elliptical
Rowing machine: 3 sets of 1 full minute
Day 4: Back
Lat pulldowns 3×10
Pullups 3×8
Chin-ups 3×10
Seated Cable Row 3×10
Two hand rotational Lat pulldowns 3×10 (Hits your lover lats and the supination hits your biceps’)
Trapezius Shrugs 3×10