I heard a quote one time. It said, “Where there is ruin there is hope for a treasure.” Many days in my life, I have felt like I had been ruined. But unfortunately, things can be ruined; buildings can, as can we. But, the most important part is that, the building, or us (metaphorically), we don’t need to stay or stay feeling ruined because we can rebuild. We may not be the same building as before. But instead, as the construction begins, we start over again and we fight as hard as we can Brick by brick, we rebuild ourselves and at the end, we are going to be a brand new stronger building. A new building, and a newly rebuilt person, knows what it’s like to be torn down, and knows what it’s like to work to stand back up. Yes, it takes a long time, a long fucking time. But life has a funny way of letting us know when exactly that time is. But it will come. We just need to let go of the old rubble. We gotta search through the rubble, set it asides, and begin our newfound construction.
This is dedicated to a close friend, hope you see this.