Why I wanted To Die -A Soundcloud short story
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This is my personal life, but I want people to know I’m not afraid to show it.
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This is my personal life, but I want people to know I’m not afraid to show it.
MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Affiliative Opportunities
MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Affiliations: Sponsorships, Ambassador Work, #Monbogang, Representatives, Salesman + Wholesales-man,Partnerships/, ShoutoutsS/o for S/o’s Joint Ventures/ Models, New Clothing Packages, “Monbo Member for Life:”
*IF you have any issues FUCK OFF I don’t need you*
**NOTE; I check in on your positions to affirm you’re doing as desired, asked or told, I’m not a millionaire, I cant give dozens of free items, receive zero s/o oe promotion, etc. So I will text people for check in’s regarding their work/ MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC so that I am not taken advantage of financially.***
Most written below here are explanations and descriptions to avoid any confusion, offense,
MICRO-MANAGEMENT; like listed below, I will be here to ensure everyone’s helping. It’s not hard…., and I can’t give away everything for free; I still pay for the shirts, I lose a lot of profit. But I want to spread my business and get people comfortable clothes; plus I simply enjoy it. You literally Just post some pictures or shoutouts here and then and get 50-60% commission on every sale (Paying the shipping is included though, Except for Ambassadors. The reason being is like I said, I can only spend so much money, I can’t afford free shipping on exactly everything. Also Shipping price will depend on which service I use (DHL, USPS, UPS, FedEx) and how many days it requires to arrive. (Ex; 2-day Priority versus Standard 5-7 days) I am NOT being greedy as everyone receives more shirts than they will pay for, and everyone get shoutouts on business ventures consistently, and that is why I need to micro-manage;
1) If you make a sale you have to tell me so you can get your money! Like I said I want to help; and making money definitely is.
2) Let me know if there is/are any updates with your business’/other ventures, so that I can post about them and give you your shoutout. This isn’t a pressured forceful job. It’s not a full-time, or part time job. It’s a side gig, if anything at all, to make commission and gain promotion and some money, AND you get a lot of free clothes. You can Dip out of #MonboGang absolutely anytime you want with NO hard feelings, like I said it’s barely a side gig. I consider it more of a fun opportunity to get clothes and some bills. I never promised you’d become Bill Gates.
3) I care about people and respect everyone, I expect reciprocation. I don’t rip ANYONE off, as a matter of fact, being part of any of these labels gives you discounts, gets you additional shirts for prices of 1-2, and FREE clothes. Plus your promotion! So That is what is in it for anyone who signs up.
4) You don’t need to bust your ass off. Like I said its casual and for fun and free clothes and extra clothes for smaller prices and discounts. In certain categories, discount percentages vary. This is simply part of the position and requires no forceful effort!! Just keep me posted so I can get you your money.
5) Lastly, let’s be blunt.As an ambassador, if you wanted to sign up, you should know business and READ THIS ARTICLE OR ELSE YOU WON’T UNDERSTAND. I’m trying to expand my business and make a little money whilst also losing a lot of money by trying to help a bunch of friends make a little to some money via the sales. And, that money being made is literally almost equal to mine for the exception of my return cost, and shipping, and NYS Sales Tax on T-shirts ($0.54) is required for return. And that return that you have to pay me is simply just required; I need to charge the small amount of Cent’s on any item’s shipping AT FIRST because its legally necessary to pay as I refuse to avoid tax evasion in New York. I’m not being greedy; its LEGALITY issues and legally required as well as the extra cent’s paid on the shipping (Unless you’re an ambassador). This is because I need to report to the IRS every last cent of money I spend on MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC’s list of Yearly Expenses Cost. For example; I had to include the money I spent on my heat press on my list. Every cent I make on expenses, must be reported (at first) for determination of profits. That’s why I need those tiny amounts of money. It just needs to be recorded in my sales records within my LLC binder as well, then I WILL LITERALLY SEND THE SPARE CHANGE BACK TO YOU VIA Venmo if its that big of a deal. You will receive the tracking number and I’ll send a picture of it underlining it and the receipt as well, plus even the package.
6) Actually finally, JUST READ EVERYTHING; you’ll understand that it’s an opportunity. Not a fucking huge ass opportunity. But an opportunity to make small amounts of money, get free clothes, get discounted shirts or custom sponsor shirts just for you, get some personal promotion, have some fun, and join the community. If you don’t like what you see here, Thats Ok.
Lists of ; Sponsor/Ambassador, Models
These are Just some similarities between some of the categories, and some other information before I delve into each topic.
SPONSOR (modeling, shoutouts): This means I consistently shout you out and send you free shirts when I drop a new released. I give shoutouts as well for any fitness or business endeavor – Just need consistent shoutouts as well in return, and can sponsor any athlete for an upcoming event If wanted.
Also Require modeling for the website and other pages; especially required when given free gear. Basically; Free Clothing, shoutouts, feedback, promotion.
AMBASSADOR (Sales and Modeling);More-so is work, its mainly involved ways to make money off commission; you get me a sale, I cut you off a % of the sale depending how large. THIS IS IF YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME MONEY. Usually 60/40 % split.
– Mikey Berg, Shaquille Thompson,Patrick Slovensky
Being a Model costs much less and just requires sending me pictures -Don’t worry you get way more gear the for the downpayment.
But you can be both, costs would change, same with the amount of clothing and we can figure orders and other things out etc.
^^^^^^Hunter Treibman’s Twitch^^^^^^
@rackzht Is his account name. (Hunter Now resides in Illinois)
Percentage; %’s of profit you earned over-the-entirety of your time spent with MONBO composed from your variety of MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC sales, (Sales over time regardless what specific of salesman) – All compiled – often from Bulk Free-Order = most MONEY you made if you stuck with the #Gang. Pro Tip; Record any money you make off of this and report it to your taxes. It is a LEGAL job of course.
1). A simple, cheap Negotiable Commission’s Split; we fairly negotiate and barter based on sales, profit made on sale we make together, then split sales profits; *Cuts and % vary here most.* (I control most larger or expensive sales of my LLC, so on a shared sale, due to a level of fairness; A generous 60/40 percentile profit margin % split is being offered between us.
2) Sporadic Smaller Salesman; You can sell shirts, buy them for friends, place orders with friends, etc., as you please. This would provide either a small or large cut depending on what you sell it for; (Smaller and less Sales therefore less commission)
Joint Venture; Jad Stephanou with “J&R Artisan Designs.” – I receive 13 % commission If I helped make any sales yet. I receive large discounts, regular discounts, and free shipping. I sell his t-shirts on the side right now, promote for his brand, and model.
Patrick Slovensky x Slight Partnership; “Purpl Pro” ‘s Unofficial Partnership; My rules; MaxinoutoutNBlackingout LLC and affiliates are Allowed to partner up but, we each make commission off sales made for one another, but mainly shout shouts. We try, but not too hard. And it is not enforced or checked upon.
You scratch my Balls, I scratch your balls. Or something like that right?
Partnerships/Joint Ventures; involve dual sales, selling each other’s product on each other’s sites, splitting money etc. This is a topic I will delve into later. There is another article on this site as well.
Partnership; Allowed to partner up but, we each make commission off sales made for one another, but mainly shout shouts. We try but not too hard. And it is not enforced or checked upon. Commission, %’s of sales, or certain cuts are made.
Joint Venture’s; We Launch our own entity combined together as one with shared commissions and financed and idea, etc. Commission, %’s of sales, or certain cuts are made.
What’s good guys. So, as this site will continue to exist and be able to sell shirts etc., we will primarily be focused on articles, the lifestyle, new categories and other things on this site. If you want to purchase or custom merchandise, then check out our new site (https://monbo.us), where most monbo clothes will be available for sale.
Also I am officially studying for the NSCA and ASCM tests