A year prior to this lift in August 2015 I missed the 500.5lb Conventional deadlift at the lockout at my first USAPL meet where I was 74kg. That year I had lost a loving family member, who for all my life has been someone I looked up to, alongside with his brother, my other uncle. But when I missed the pull, I felt like I let my Uncle down. So after training my ass off for weeks and months and switching programs and gyms and going throughout college, In July 2016, I competed again, and I got this 500 pull at the 185lb class ( I competed up but was really 173) in an RPS meet. That’s why I celebrated so much. I had my redemption, I got 500 on a platform, and I made both my Uncles proud. Find your motivation.
- Tommy Roel
- Maxin’ Out
- Link to my Instagram Post