First and foremost let me explain what these blogs will consist of; although it is pretty obvious due to the title. I will be creating weekly to monthly blogs updating readers on my mental health and how it has been affecting me lately, as well as advice to others. Today’s first one is about Comparison; being too self-conscious and comparing yourself to others. Being self-conscious is very. hard in itself. I constantly compare myself to others lives, often to people who graduated college and have kids or are married/engaged and have all these business type jobs. I get down on myself because I think, “Why can’t I be like that?.” But at the end of the day when I analyze myself, although I’m different I realize now it’s good to be different, because being different can make us special. We are different, not less, and sometimes different begins to intrigue or almost intimidate people. Being different is special because we (people with mental illness) have different mindsets; and we can help recognize problems within others whom may seem “normal,” so that we can help them. Never compare yourself to anyone else, because we are all on our own paths and journey’s in life. Plus if you’re judgmental of others, you’re just an asshole. We are all perfect as ourselves and all are beautiful inside and out as God mad us because we are all human. So different or not, we are not less. In a certain sense, we are MORE.