10 years already

Uncle Gary, wherever you are and its been 10 years I have so much to say and so much I’ve already said to you so I don’t need to write much. I don’t need to type much I don’t need to go too emotional. I don’t need to write that much because you know everything that I’ve said that I’ve prayed that I’ve talked to you about ever since I lost you. I don’t know where the time is gone, but I haven’t been different since that event changed my life and it inspired me to make you proud. and inspired me to become a better person. That’s what I’m gonna keep doing every day for the rest of my life. I promise you, uncle Gary I love you with all my heart and everything that I have. I know you’re with God in heaven, I love you. I miss you more than words can describe so I just wanna leave this message. It’s been a decade in the making to quote, Machine Gun Kelly song, “lonely Road take me home to the place where things went wrong.” I’ve been trying to find out where things have been going wrong in my life and it really all originated pr most of it started when I lost you and I wrote the peace what it feels like to be lonely, and I dedicated my book to you, and this has been an entire decade in the making and I have been lost for a really long time and I’ve been on a lonely road, but I think I finally found my way home again to quote “ to the place where I belong.” I finally think I found myself again and I’m working back towards becoming a human being that I used to be every single day and I swear on everything that I have which isn’t much but still, I swear on everything that I love that I’m gonna make you proud uncle Gary. I love you with all my heart.

About the Author

Thomas Roel, 24 years old. -RPS 165lbs /USAPL 74kg Competitive Powerlifter, Recreational weightlifter and recreational bodybuilder. - Glen Cove, New York, 11542 / Formerly Tampa, Florida, 33606 - Warehouse in Nicholson, Pennsylvania. - MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC - @maxinoutandblackinout on instagram - Maxinout N Blackinout = Facebook - Portledge High School 15' - Former Student at Long Island University Post - Formerly Student at the University of Tampa: Human Performance - Mental Health activist amongst peers. - Music and writing. https://soundcloud.com/thomas-roel/favorite-song