All Posts by Tommy Roel

Brief Updates; More clothes, Mental Health, The Past Few Months

In addition to the new MnB Logo MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Beanies and the OG hoodies, I have some other updates. I recently have have been diagnosed with ADHD. No biggie, I just want to keep it real and make sure everyone is up to date. Workouts have been coming along better, and I am starting to see gains come back. I have began regularly taking supplements, adjusted my diet, and began to eat more. Expect more lifting articles soon; I have ideas written down but need to perfect my drafts. Expect an article within the next week. Expect to see lifting videos here or on our instagram pages @maxinoutandblackinout or @roel_powerlifting. Expect all of this soon; I am just getting back into my grind. I was part-time working two different labor job whilst progressing the company all while trying to maintain gains and control mental health. Also, I got accepted into the Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Program at LIU Post (Long Island University Post Campus) for the Spring 2020 Term with a major in Nutrition, which means potentially less content on here regarding articles. However, I will still post once a week or so, and clothing will be at a surplus to sell alongside with new clothing releases and ideas in the future. Training and Annual Package Deals are still available via emailing me. Additionally and lastly, I am making MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Posters. Only 3 will be available for $20 each. I am doing this as a trial run. IF people like them, we will produce more which will lower prices down to $15 or even lower.

Payment methods: In Person; Preferably a Cash or Check, or Gift Cards, but hell, I’ll take Coins even! Anything for my customers!. Online Payment includes Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp, PayPal, and Google Wallet. We soon will have a FourSquare device to accept debit and credit!

Thats the update!

Shattered Minds

Uncle Gary This is For You

In a few months it’ll be five years. I’ll never forget the moment I found out you were gone. I’ll never forget your smile and your pure heart. I’ll never foget my speach I wrote about you for @portledge_school and I’ll never forget the Essay I wrote about you in creative writing clsss two years ago in Tampa. Everything in my life is a derivitive of you, and becoming like you Uncle Gary, was probably the greatest thing I have ever done. I miss you so much and wish you were here to guide me through me mental health. But I know you’re kickin it up there. Thank you for all your motivation. If it weren’t for you, I wouldnt be a Powerlifter, a mental health activist, or a writer. Without you Uncle Gary, I would not be the Tommy that I am today. Hug your loved ones close and tell them you love them everytime you see them because you can lose anything in an instance; I did. I lost Gary. But through his spirit I found myself. I pray for you everyday and every morning I wake up and look at these photos. Thanks for teaching me everything Uncle Gary.
Before Gary passed, we sort of witheld his private mental health website blog, and are finally comfortable enough to share Garys struggles with the world. 

Check out my deceased Uncle Gary’s blog; Shattered Mind: Surviving Mental Illness.

And I’m going to follow his footsteps through Maxinoutnblackinout. I love you endlessly Gar. You lost yours when it should have been mine. But you have us all life again. I fucking miss you. I fucking love you

MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Package Deal Announcement:

This is a new project I am testing out and launching for the website. I want to try to provide all my skills for people in one big effort. Now though there is free advice on this website, this deal provides much more than that. Every aspect described will be carried out to its fullest extend and I intend to help people full time if possible. So anything regarding dieting or training and programming will be taken extremely seriously and will be specialized and designed specifically for the individual. Additionally I will make myself available as a 24/7 mental health hotline. Here is what is included in the deal;


MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Package Deals

Yearly MONBO Package

*One time payment of $250 or quarterly (every 4 months) payments of $63.33


  1. My MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC Phone Number for Contact
  2. A follow from my instagram @maxinoutandblackinout with the potential to have your lifting videos or modeling photos posted/previewed. Plus a follow from my powerlifting account @roel_powerlifting so you can see my powerlifting comeback.
  3. MONBO Gear / 5 chosen Products of Your size of any merchandise produced in the entire year – FREE shipping/handling plus USPS 2-day Priority mail. **Generalized Free 24/7 Lifting Advice. **Free 24/7 Powerlifting Coaching or Online Personal Training coaching and programming.
  4. Diet and Nutrition Coaching
  5. 24/7 Mental Health Consultant Aid Hotline; Talk to me if you need me.
  6. Access to receiving hidden and unreleased articles, or early peeks at articles that are in the making.
  7. You Get shoutouts on the website regarding modeling my clothes or regarding anyone’s business ventures and ideas.
  8. Any Additional Shirt Purchase beyond what is provided in the within the package will be 10% off.
  9. Access to Discount Codes.
  10. You gain the eligibility to submit an article to me for review, and then I may potentially post it on the website.
  11. Eligibility for anyone or any athletic sports team/athlete to be sponsored by MONBO. Sponsorships includes consistent shoutouts and discount codes.
  12. Copies Multiple CDs/Audio of me speaking throughout my mental health articles and experiences. Additionally, you will receive a CD or Mp3 files of every song or freestyle I’ve made, just for the fun of it.
  13. Lastly, You get to design and buy ONE special Monbo shirt, however you be would required to pay 50% of the cost due to high pricing on individualized shirts and logos.


Payment: PayPal Via Website, or I accept Venmo, Cashapp, Google Pay, and Zelle online. In person I accept Checks, Gift Cards, Pre-Paid Cards, and Cash.
SOON we will be accepting Debit or Credit.

Conventional Deadlift Advice: Spreading the Floor

Deadlifting is one of the most important compound movements around, despite what type of athlete you are. It my personal favorite out of the three main lifts (squat, the bench, and deadlifts). Deadlifting is typically viewed by an average gym-goer as a back exercise. However, your trapezius, erector spinea, biceps, forearms, and quads are all engaged in the deadlift.

How so?

Well obviously your back muscles, biceps, and forearms contribute and develop muscle easier than other muscles involved because these are the primary agonist’s. However, other body parts and form must be used.

Back: Form and Contribution;

Back, Bis, Chest, forearms, biceps, and form,

1)During the deadlift one must NEVER let their back band in a motion where your spine can bend. This can cause serious injury or pain.

2. You need to work on the form, no matter whether conventional or sumo. Keep your back straight and chest up to keep the proper range of motion so that your back doesn’t bend too much, whilst keeping your chest up a little helps with proper form and injury prevent injury. You need strong biceps and triceps for your grip especially regarding what stance you use. If necessary for a 1RM, you should use straps to prevent further injury to calluses or open wounds. Also, I like to roll the barbell forward a bit then roll it back to me. This engages my Latissimus Dorsi muscle activated before you start your deadlift. Then, I launch my knew (like typical deadlifting) and as soo as. I grab the bar I squeeze it as hard as I can and pull it close and tight amongst my calves because with a bent-over back and improper form you can easily hurt your back, cause muscle sprains, all of which can be a result of bad form and bent over deadlifting. If bending over too much, too much gravity will pull the weight down and you’ll lose the rep/ Now rep work: Personally, I perform rep work with both however I would max out or compete with conventional. This way your overall deadlift form increases and lowers risk of injury.

Lower Body

3, Quadriceps: Always slightly squat down. NOT a full squatting motion, just low enough to get down to the bar. engage your quads on the lower portion of the movement and stretch beforehand.

4. SPREAD THE FLOOR: Newton’s third law is “for every action force there is an opposite reaction force.” Now spreading the floor means to keep your feel slightly bend inward in which when pulling the barbell, you try to rip the ground with your feet. This applies pressure, allowing Newtons third law to have its equal opposite reaction force. This generates more force all around and strengthens the compound movements.

Update on Clothing AND NEW LOGO BEANIES

New Yellow MaxinoutNBlackinout National Suicide Prevention shirts are out now! Check out my Instagram ( @maxinoutandblackingout ) page for updates and previews! or @roel_powerlifting for my fitness and lifting updates. Also, a new announcement; the OG Yellow Blue Logo Hoodies are coming back soon!

A sideways picture but whatever.

and NEW LOGOS ARE ANNOUNCED on black and white beanies with the original color scheme.


The nights when I’m all alone and quiet are hard. Its like my brain is racing, running, going so fast. I keep thinking. I have all these negative random thoughts of failure in my head. I sit here quietly as I hear the crickets and the train in the distance. It’s physically dark out, and the darkness saddens me. I am thinking so much, and I’m alone. I have no one to talk to, or connect with. The darkness surrounds me, physically then mentally. Let me describe what I mean by darkness. Darkness is like loneliness except its heavier. It yells at you, you’re all alone and its yelling negative thoughts at you. It reminds you of the past things that were good but now are gone forever. But the thing is, is that theyre not. They happened. So they still exist. They’ll never go away, and never let the darkness or the loneliness prevent you from thriving. When it yells, yell back

Roel Resources

This is a small shoutout to my Father, Ronald Roel whom owns an LLC called Roel Resources. His edits books, articles, etc. Contact him if you are ever interested in help with your writing career or editing on a book. My father has been consistent in helping me with this website and my career so I am very thankful for that and wanted to include that information on here. Also; more content and clothing coming soon.

Roel Resources is an editorial consulting firm specializing in successful aging. We focus on senior issues, but also provide useful information and solutions  for every generation. We stress “resourceful writing,” helping others  find fresh opportunities and break new ground, discovering a more rewarding life.

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