Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Update: Sneaker Designs being worked on & More

I am currently experimenting with the sneaker prototypes and designing them and am looking for a new manufacturer. But I am aggressively pursuing that. I am also about to look into TRADING CARD possibilities & I want to create my own trading card brand. Additionally, PERSONALIZED CUSTOM PROGRAMS FROM AN OFFICIAL NSCA STRENGTH COACH TRAINING IS AVAILABLE NOW Starting at $59.95. Other Workout programs designed by myself are available for purchase as well starting as low as ten bucks. New color-ways are going to come in as well; such as gold/yellow being a color-way to add to the joggers/sweatpants. AND “Shoot Hoops, Not Dope,” is still in the works right now as is the t-shirt production. I will write another full blog soon and continue with monthly and weekly quotes and more updates!

Weekly/Monthly Quote

“Then I heard the voice of The Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? and who will go for us?’ And I Said, ‘ Here am I, Send Me.'” – Isaiah 6:8 (Christian Bible Verse)

10 years already

Uncle Gary, wherever you are and its been 10 years I have so much to say and so much I’ve already said to you so I don’t need to write much. I don’t need to type much I don’t need to go too emotional. I don’t need to write that much because you know everything that I’ve said that I’ve prayed that I’ve talked to you about ever since I lost you. I don’t know where the time is gone, but I haven’t been different since that event changed my life and it inspired me to make you proud. and inspired me to become a better person. That’s what I’m gonna keep doing every day for the rest of my life. I promise you, uncle Gary I love you with all my heart and everything that I have. I know you’re with God in heaven, I love you. I miss you more than words can describe so I just wanna leave this message. It’s been a decade in the making to quote, Machine Gun Kelly song, “lonely Road take me home to the place where things went wrong.” I’ve been trying to find out where things have been going wrong in my life and it really all originated pr most of it started when I lost you and I wrote the peace what it feels like to be lonely, and I dedicated my book to you, and this has been an entire decade in the making and I have been lost for a really long time and I’ve been on a lonely road, but I think I finally found my way home again to quote “ to the place where I belong.” I finally think I found myself again and I’m working back towards becoming a human being that I used to be every single day and I swear on everything that I have which isn’t much but still, I swear on everything that I love that I’m gonna make you proud uncle Gary. I love you with all my heart.

MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC 2025




Update: This is a primary update related to an earlier announcement regarding my prototype sneakers I am trying to, and will succeed soon enough, to produce and release. Unfortunately my former partner with my sneaker endeavor left me hung out to dry. I have no clue where he vanished to; communication just stopped out of nowhere after garbage prototypes showed up. However, I still have the mockup PDF images and the customization of each shoe and their images ingrained within my mind so it is a matter of time as to when and where I can find a reliable mass productive affiliate I can work with. My goal is to launch the original three prototypes as they are for cheaper than future pricing since there will be no further customization and that will remain an option: cheaper blanker prototypes for sale for all the sneaker heads who like cleaner sneakers with less design, link an Air Force One from Nike or an All-Star Converse. There more expensive options will be the sneaker prototypes with advancements and much more design as I continue to envision and expand on the idea of how they shall ultimately look. Once a friendly affiliate is established the real customization and progression can begin but first I need to find a warehouse of sorts to produce my mockups quickly. More updates on this to come!

Trading Cards: The future of Monbo also lies in TRADING CARDS as I have loved trading cards my entire life. However, Monbo trading cards are going to be different than games like Pokemon, or even sports trading cards. I am going to choose individual athletes and personal friends to create as custom MaxinnoutNBlackinout LLC Trading Cards and individuals who support the movement will receive their own custom cards. All types of athletes are welcome, or individuals who embrace the lifestyle. 

Training: $20-100 Workout programs, weight loss programs, and strength training for various sports are now readily available for personal customization if requested. NSCA Training is provided to a certain degree as long as my brother has enough time to create programming. Otherwise I can make any weight loss program – I lost 72 lbs in less than 8 months. 

Quick MONBO Writing Announcement: Sequel and Sneak Peak

The Sequel to my first book is coming out eventually as I have partially began some of it. 

The Title of the book will officially be:

“Depression Fucking Sucks, Doesn’t It? Part 2: “I think I’ll Just Do It Tomorrow.”


Well guess who’s back guys? I thought maybe the first book was it, but a LOT has happened since. So let me delve into it… 

Guess who’s back? Nope, NOT Tommy Xans; he died. That nickname I intentionally personified for reasons I’ll delve into later is officially over and done with. That was never the human being I TRULY was……