Planet Shitness as I like to call it is the complete opposite of fitness. Although I support the occasional pizza and couldn’t care less about bagels, apparently from a member report from said, ” Free Pizza on the First Monday of each month, Handfuls of purple Tootsie rolls are displayed temptingly in jars all across the Planet Fitness front desk areas…Free Bagels on the first Tuesday of every, month..”
THAT contradicts the entire concept of fitness, I mean once in a while its fine, but that’s pretty frequent. Plus, it’s a wide known fact among serious lifters that you’re deemed a “lunk” if you grunt, slam or drop weights, sing, bring a bag or water gallon, or wear tank tops. What herbs. Also, there are no bench presses or squats racks, only Smith machines, and deadlifts are banned A powerlifter’s worst nightmare. Planet Fitness carries it over the top with their supply of shitty food to people who are already limited to important methods on training such as benching, squatting and deadlifting. Also, overhead presses are banned. Important compound movements are banned, so how can these people getting fed garbage a few times a month and every day with Tootsie rolls make gains when the most important lifts are banned? Plus they kick every serious athlete or lifter out of there. And that is why Planet Fitness contradicts fitness. Planet Shitness would have been a better name dude.
- Tommy Roel
- Maxin’ Out