Uncle Gary This is For You
In a few months it’ll be five years. I’ll never forget the moment I found out you were gone. I’ll never forget your smile and your pure heart. I’ll never foget my speach I wrote about you for @portledge_school and I’ll never forget the Essay I wrote about you in creative writing clsss two years ago in Tampa. Everything in my life is a derivitive of you, and becoming like you Uncle Gary, was probably the greatest thing I have ever done. I miss you so much and wish you were here to guide me through me mental health. But I know you’re kickin it up there. Thank you for all your motivation. If it weren’t for you, I wouldnt be a Powerlifter, a mental health activist, or a writer. Without you Uncle Gary, I would not be the Tommy that I am today. Hug your loved ones close and tell them you love them everytime you see them because you can lose anything in an instance; I did. I lost Gary. But through his spirit I found myself. I pray for you everyday and every morning I wake up and look at these photos. Thanks for teaching me everything Uncle Gary.
Before Gary passed, we sort of witheld his private mental health website blog, and are finally comfortable enough to share Garys struggles with the world.
Check out my deceased Uncle Gary’s blog; Shattered Mind: Surviving Mental Illness.
And I’m going to follow his footsteps through Maxinoutnblackinout. I love you endlessly Gar. You lost yours when it should have been mine. But you have us all life again. I fucking miss you. I fucking love you