“Depression fucking Sucks, Doesn’t It ? : The Confessions and Addictions of a Walking Disaster” is edited, copyrighted, finished, and published! It’s about 100 pages, and is ready to buy in various ways. It is now available on Amazon.com for $10.99 (Just type “Depression fucking sucks Tommy Roel” under the book section and it will pop up on Amazon. I also am selling books in person, and can mail them as well. I can email the book in a Microsoft Word document or print the pages via my printer and can sell simple paper copies at a discount. Payment methods include Credit or Debit Card or a gift card if using Amazon; otherwise If I ship a copy or distribute them on my own in person; in person purchases are $10 without taxes or shipping, and payment methods include: Cash, Check, Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, Apple Pay, PayPal, & Google Wallet/Google Pay. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way, especially my Father and Susan C. I hope my book can be enjoyed and can also help people who may struggle with mental illness like I do. I hope that anyone who may read it, thank you!
Author: Tommy Roel
Edited by: Ronald Roel
Testimonial: Susan C. New York
Cover: Susan C. New York