A Personal record, or PR (sometimes in Australia or the UK they use the term PB, personal best), is when you hit a certain weight you have never performed before in a certain movement like squat, bench, deadlift, clean and jerk, and the snatch.This included many other albums as well. Or you can hit rep PR’s, and hi a same weight for more reps than you previously have performed on those reps before. Hitting PR’s is an almost indescribable feeling, as the goal you care about and are working towards is self improvement. And Hitting a PR,, hitting a weight you have never done before, that allows you to literally watch your self-improvement and track yourself becoming a better a stronger individual. It is a feeling of euphoria and success and in that moment you know you just became a better person, even if it is in the slightest.
- Tommy Roel
- Maxin’ Out’ n Blackin’
- Below is an example of some rep work.