This article is an article for anybody in the gym whom has hit a plateau and seeming cannot surpass that plateau. Whether is be a 1RM (one-rep-max) in powerlifting or weightlifting, or it be an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) on an important weight for a bodybuilder or athlete, or maybe you’re sprinting distance or 5K race’s time ran too long. Whatever sport you’re in, you are going to hit plateaus. If you hit a plateau as a powerlifter in squats, try to focus on the sticking point (the hardest part of the movement), or switch it up and focus on leg mobility or maybe endurance and hypertrophy for their legs if their squat struggles. Or they can focus on their bench or deadlift, or maybe be can focus on their physique for a while or maybe they flexibility of cardiorespiratory endurance. When I struggle with powerlifting, I focus on hypertrophy within muscles that are lagging in size and proportion, mobility and flexibility, and often times enjoy incorporating strongman and weightlifting workouts in and include exercises like using atlas stones, and performing high-pulls, clean and jerks, power snatches, muscle snatches, push presses, jerk’s, and farmers walks. I enjoy switching it up every now and then, and this article relates to the training for happiness article as it provides examples of how to mix it up when you hit plateaus in order to receive other types of gains.
- Tommy Roel
- Maxin’ Out and Blackin’ Out