Lifting During Recovery

Lifting during recovery is hard. You’re not accustomed to being in the gym or to lifting due to time away from the gym because of mental health or other reasons. You, I mean at least me personally, get self-conscious about how I look or about my strength and how much better I looked and stronger I was. However, we cannot make comparisons to our old selves and must start over from the beginning with zero shame and zero ego. Lifting and eating right during recovery is very helpful too, and it also is a great coping mechanism. However, you need to transition slowly back into the gym to avoid injuries and so that mentally you are not stressed about the weight. Every workout is a good workout and counts and helps with recovery. If you need an extra hobby and are recovering, Lift. 

About the Author

Thomas Roel, 24 years old. -RPS 165lbs /USAPL 74kg Competitive Powerlifter, Recreational weightlifter and recreational bodybuilder. - Glen Cove, New York, 11542 / Formerly Tampa, Florida, 33606 - Warehouse in Nicholson, Pennsylvania. - MaxinoutNBlackinout LLC - @maxinoutandblackinout on instagram - Maxinout N Blackinout = Facebook - Portledge High School 15' - Former Student at Long Island University Post - Formerly Student at the University of Tampa: Human Performance - Mental Health activist amongst peers. - Music and writing.

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